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Archive for the tag “Prophecy”

Amazing Times

With so many things happening in the world, that are causing so many different emotions to so many different people, I feel safe in saying that there must be an “inner anticipation” that is building.  What I don’t understand is why with these kinds of feelings, people are still willing to risk their souls in blatant disobedience to the Lord.  There seems to me an ‘evidence of Judgment’ upon America, and God knows we deserve it!  Only a few decades ago, we were so appreciated for our helping the victims of the Holocast be freed and now there are many countries who curse America.  I’m guilty of that.  The injustice I’ve been served has been a 24/7 nightmare for over 5 years now.  What happened?  There was once a time when people who tried to KILL you, would go to jail!  Not these days…even this leaves me as amazed as I am shocked (literally) by it.  Amazing Times, indeed.

I listen to the talk about a “Revolution” being started in America.  I almost find this laughable.  There in our recent history has been a war monger-minded PATRIOTIC President, who is hiding from facing charges of Human Rights Violations – which are crimes against Humanity.  Do yourself a favor, and go find a paper-paged dictionary (BOOKS are more trustworthy than electronics these days!) and look up Patriot and Humanitarian.  Spend a little time, and meditate on these definitions, and see if you can see the “Apostasy” for yourself.  Compare the Constitution to the Patriot Act with these definitions in mind.  You’ll be amazed, when you understand for yourself.  Something else that ‘Amazed’ me, is – now think about how Environmentalists are on the ‘Watch List’ as Eco-Terrorists!  All this confusion in our nation isn’t without a purpose in God’s plan.  I don’t have all the details of what’s coming, but with so much surveillance on We The People these days, I expect to see an EXTREME drop in crime statistics!  If they’re going to “WATCH EVERYBODY” and use the pretense of – For AntiTerrorism Actions Only – I’m not going to swallow that one!

All the money spent on NATIONAL Security, how can crimes that could be solved on a local level NOT fall under the need to also be addressed, and solved?  Aren’t we part of “The NATION”? or does being a county resident, or a small-town exclude us from this ‘protection’ because we aren’t Federal?  Hasn’t it been taxpayers money that paid for it?  Where was it I read that this PRISM thing has stopped 50 threats?  FIFTY.   Do the math: 50 (divided by) how much money???  It needs to be used a little closer to home, I think.

Before you get angry and scream “Invasion of Privacy” they leaked PRISM, not to ask our permission to do it, but to let people know, it IS being done.  It has BEEN being done, and they’re building that NSA out in Utah, they are NOT planning to stop doing it either.  All the panic in our communities after 9-11 when people wanted to ‘know more about their neighbors’ without having to do it in person, Pandora’s Box was opened a ways back too.  But because people felt like, since they were doing their Patriotic Duty, they didn’t have to worry about being watched themselves, and now that they’ve found out they have been just as watched as everyone they’ve been watching, there’s a feeling of betrayal.  Our government is pretty good at hurting our feelings, isn’t it….this hurt, don’t turn it inward and let it create something ugly inside of you, give it to the Lord!  If this isn’t the Great Tribulation, but it sure enough feels like it, either way, we won’t get through it without Him!

We’re being tested alright.  How well have we done about thanking God when times were GOOD?  We voted Him out of the schools,  How well have we done when we were hurt (9-11) and afraid?  We turned to our own means and methods of protection and created Homeland, and let HATRED be what drove us to look for results. ouch!  Now, these betrayals, and we gather in large groups and protest…are we really getting anywhere?  No.  It’s turning into a bitterness as we seek out someone to blame, while we forget, WE THE PEOPLE.  Why didn’t anyone protest the invasion of privacy at the Community Watch meetings, or the Radio Vigilantes Meetings?  These are the places these seeds were planted, in our own neighborhoods.  And Washington HAS been watching!  These services must have some sort of government funding, and if it was WORKING and showing results that the people could live with, and call progress?  If it worked in the ‘test’ communities, it will work for the NATION.

Okay, now we have a mega-computer babysitting us.  Did you think you’d see this in your lifetime?  I didn’t either, but it’s HERE, like the computer on the old Star-Trek shows..just not as personal yet, but I do believe they’re working on that too.  We won’t stop that anymore than we can stop God.  And if that computer is to be stopped?  I believe it will take GOD HIMSELF and not a hacker to stop it!  On earth as it is in Heaven, EVERYTHING IS KNOWN.  Still want to do wrongs?  I don’t.  Hell or Jail is not a goal I want to acheive! 

You want to have your revolution?  I’ll set up a FREE Lemonade Stand!  I’ll have plenty, you should see the lemons I’ve been given!  I’ll add plenty of Sweet Jesus, and it’ll be good!

The Holy War We All Fight Is Within Us

Maybe my perspective is too unusual for most people, but isn’t being ‘unique’ a quality that is what sets us apart?  Gets noticed?

People are looking for “The Holy War” to be fought with all kinds of weaponry – guns, bombs, cyber-attacks.  PHYSICAL means.  Are we missing the point?  Let’s begin by defining what a ‘Holy War’ is.  It’s the time people are looking for, when all evils are defeated.  How does anybody expect to see this ‘victory’ of good over evil’  if they don’t even overcome it in their own lives?  Until those ‘little battles’ are won, the war will be lost. 

Physical weaponry will never defeat a spiritual enemy.  PRAYER is the weapon of choice – Prayer in Jesus’ name for the Glory of God.  Haven’t we Bible reading Christians, all heard about putting on the “Full Armour of God”?  They don’t sell that at any chain store!  That is something we would be equipped with as we follow Christ, PRAYER. 

We’re looking at having our rights stripped away from us as American citizens.  A Christian based country, since our President swears in on the Bible, and our Constitution is Biblically based.  Isn’t there Scripture that states a ‘war will be made against the saints but they will lose’?  Are we NOT able to run a TALLY of what’s being lost, or taken away from us?  One of the first things taken away, has been being able to teach our children about God in school.  Try this perspective on:

When we stripped away prayer from schools, didn’t we create a ‘Spiritual Wasteland’?  Children are the future aren’t they?  If we don’t “plant some Jesus in our children” – then what will grow in His place?  We are looking for PHYSICAL events while we worship the Resurrected Messiah.  Are our eyes really looking to God for guidance?  Then explain the ‘moral downfall”!!!  

We aren’t winning, or will win “The Holy War” because there are more blanks being shot then there are heartfelt prayers!  Our ‘faith’ has shifted from Spiritual to the sciences.  Sciences are a creation of man to understand the things of God.  Our responsibility to be ethical, to operate these sciences in integrity are a MUST!  If we don’t overcome the ‘temptations’ of greed, of self-glory and recognize we couldn’t do what we do, without God…  Where will we go, when we know how cruel people can be, and we know how loving God is, that He sent His son (and many MANY other ‘prompts and reminders!!)

If you can’t win the war within you, to overcome the wrong by doing what’s right, then you have SURRENDERED, but not to Christ.  To yourself.  You made yourself your own ‘god’   Money is your ‘god’?  Doesn’t America print it like it’s nothing?  Then isn’t that PROOF you are worshipping ‘nothing’?  What do people demand, before they’ll realize – things ARE happening, but not like we imagined they would.

Open your Bibles, your Hearts, your Prayers – Fight the good fight of faith and WIN

Seeing Stubborness In Ourselves

I have found it very easy to point out when other people are being stubborn, while not giving a second look at myself.  And I’ve called it being ‘true to my faith in God’ because I am in a situation SO HUGE that trusting in Him is all I have!  If there is to be any help from someone, I will count on the Lord to touch their heart to do so.  But I am also remaining stubborn about violence.  I am not an advocate of violence.  I have used violence in the past to defend myself, and in 1985 to protect my child.  That incident showed me that my “Mother’s Instincts” were beyond measure, and I have kept a promise to myself to never return to that degree of violence. 

When we were attacked in 2008, I learned the real power of prayer.  Those who were involved thought I was hallucenating, or a holograph image had been constructed for the occasion, but I will always believe the ‘Fisherman’ I saw, was God’s angel……because God knew we would truly need His help.  I have remained true to being stubborn, and not doubting Him.  I can’t say I’ve done my best to ‘wait paitently’ tho.  This has been a psychological trauma and many times I’ve felt the devil try to come between me and the Lord.  Being stubborn has really pissed Satan off.  Yeah, I know, language.  But this too is another ‘stubborn’.  How can other people learn the difference between pleasing the Lord and being a ‘man-pleaser’ if I go and change so that other people will approve of me?  It was from people not really knowing me to begin with that contributed to the problem.  So I am myself, first.  Because God loves me, warts and all.

I’d like to believe I am not so stubborn about other things.  I have been able to overcome a lot of the suspicions I had about different people and different groups of people I had been led to believe had something to do with how we were hurt and why we weren’t getting any help.  I recognize that by blaming the government, this is essentially blaming Americans as a whole, and very unfair.  The type of weaponry used against me has been the Master of Deception, I’ve found out, and I pray that those who have been hurt, offended or otherwise put out can forgive me.  It would be one thing if I had been posting this stuff online the way I write in my journals, so if it’s on the Internet, someone else did that. 

The ‘Goliath’ God put in my life is a MEAN one, as well as scared.  Scared of having their reputation ruined because of an ‘error in judgment’.  Scared, because of the misleadings.  My Mother and I should’ve died many times, long ago.  But people who have never believed in THE Living God, sure can now.  I am my Father’s daughter, and His keeping us alive for other people to know Him…and you think I’m stubborn?  He loves us without failing, and He loves us mercifully, even after all the bad.  The dead in Christ shall rise first, but they’re still ‘IN CHRIST’ and I pray for their awakening to Him.  ALL TRUTH will be known, so seeing the ‘WOW! THAT COULD ONLY BE OF GOD!!” – how much more amazed we will be in His Kingdom in Heaven! 

I don’t think I could’ve stayed ‘stubborn’ like I have, and I mean faithful here, if there hadn’t been so many of the incredibles and unbelievables.  I’m not too stubborn to admit that I really don’t know what to expect from one day to the next, but I will stay true to trusting God.  If they’re going to whisk me away in a storm of conspiracy, then I wanted to say this first, rather than regret not saying it at all.  I once again say Thank You for your prayers of Truth and support.  Not just to help us, but it’s GREAT knowing this got people having more communion and conversation and experience with God, in Jesus’ name.  If they haul me off into some ‘unknown’ just remember how we know the Known – God.  He promised me a BIG Family, and whoever would’ve imagined ‘childbirth’ like this? lol!

God knows it feels good not hearing so much hatred.  Thank you.  God Bless America and heal us all in Jesus.  Amen.

70 Years and the Day of Our Lord

They thought they had defeated what Jesus came to do when they hung Him on the cross.  He hung up there, and became a Christian’s banner for ETERNAL life.  He opposed oppression, and was giving.  He hated lies so He spoke truth.  He showed us that love DOES conquer all when we surrender to Our Father in Heaven’s love.

They thought they had ‘won’ – and 70 years later, the Temple laid in ruins…while Christianity grew.

The Nazis thought they were going to wipe out all the Jews, but failed.  Schindler’s Jews they’re called today, saved only because one Christian man put everything on the line, for a handful of people.  Weeds are able to grow between the cracks in the sidewalks.  Without maintenence, weeds, over time can destroy sidewalks..

The science in WWII brought about nuclear technologies…the new weed on the block.  The Jews had their path cleared for them by God, and were able to re-establish their nation as has never happened to any other nation before.  And they’ve looked to America to be their ‘Big Brother” and ally, honoring us with trust from the release they’d received….or so, that’s how it’s presented to today’s Americans.  We stopped WWII by use of the Atomic Bomb.  We could kick anybody’s butt, and protect the world from evil.

Hazard signs are posted all around nuclear plants.  Environmentalists cry out about the dangers of nuclear waste.  The poison we created in atomic/nuclear energy should be viewed like a vaccine for the future ahead.  We over did it as we explored it.  We abused the power it gave, and found our own power by its power.  It gave us the ability to diagnose and even treat some medical ailments.  It had many uses.  Ahhhh, the PLASTIC over metal advantages!  Out with the old and in with the new!  Even in the quality, distance and accuracy in energy, communications…wide open!  Like finding a new vein of gold!

The gold has turned out to be the plasma in our bodies.  Research is being done for the application of this technology to communications.  One day, they want to be able to read each other’s minds.  And they are off to a good start.  Much more advanced than is known to the rest of the world.  And because I’m a lab rat who can see past the bars of the cage?  I freak them all out!  Get over it.  Get used to it.  They’re going to be known for what they’re doing anyway, this stuff hears your thoughts!  What is a MEMORY but a thought come to life in our minds.  We remember truth FIRST in order to tell lies.

This couldn’t have been created unless we were under a Dictatorship, because nobody would’ve gone along with it otherwise.  So now we can see why Obama made it back into office a 2nd term.   And if we follow this line of thinking from: :

In 1887 Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinborough, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years prior:

 “A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse over loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship.”

“The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

  • From bondage to spiritual faith;
  • From spiritual faith to great courage;
  • From courage to liberty;
  • From liberty to abundance;
  • From abundance to complacency;
  • From complacency to apathy;
  • From apathy to dependence;
  • From dependence back into bondage.”

 ..then how could we get to the prophesied time for ‘latter-day Saints’ when everybody becomes OPEN, and the Ancient texts are once again read, for a closer walk with God?  Traditional Christians nowadays back off from the idea of Divine Inspiration in writing, so Ancient texts, once ruled heresy will be given their day in our time.  When we stopped reading them, because of political feuds, we became less and less SPIRITUAL, and became “religious’.

We are all in the bondage state, and may not even realize it.  We don’t have all the answers, and I haven’t read the entire black Quill website…but I do agree with this portion!

TRUST IN GOD’S PLAN!  If Jesus had set the example for us to kick, fight and scream, then His carrying the cross would’ve had a LOT more drama!  Surrender to God’s Plan.  Need an aid?  Think about all those videos we’ve watched, when the person says, “Watch This!” and it turns into a collosal failure and humiliation instead.  What they are trying to put on (us) the people is their ‘watch this!-I’m superior!”

The Day of Our Lord.  He’s watching.  The “oh DUH!” is in motion.  Let God handle it.  The rules they’re making?  They’ll have to live by too, and so will their children.  Their children’s children…Trust GOD.

The Constitution vs. The P.Act

In this corner we have the Constitution, established with Biblical principles to PROTECT “We the People” -our Rights, our Freedoms and to see that fair Justice is served to ALL equally!

In this corner we have the Patriot Act, which is more like a PACT made with the devil that strips people of their Rights and Freedoms in the interest of National Security!

Folks, you decide for yourselves.  Both are powerful documents, one protecting the people PERSONALLY.  The other puts the people under the protection of a government institution (National Security).  It’s an ages old battle, and could even be likened to Jesus and the Pharisees if you think about it long enough. 

The PACT says we can’t be safe without it, but the Constitution did a good job of protecting people, even with government corruption in some places, for centuries!

I agree we need to feel secure.  But I have faith that if anything tries to fly across the oceans to attack us, our Military is advanced enough to shoot it down before it ever gets here.  I don’t see Canada invading America as our ‘enemy’ and what we have coming up out of Mexico?  Don’t most of the illegals work the jobs Americans DON’T want anyway?

We’re told to be afraid of ‘Extremists’  Send a mirror to Washington today!  Ask them what it is they’re looking for.  There’s more people ‘terrified’ about the economics in America, living paycheck to paycheck.  That’s a very REAL fear in many homes that the PACT can’t ‘fight’ – but the Constitution upholding our rights, does.

Haven’t we gone to EXTREMES in this, when we really need to check our priorities, hasn’t the Constitution been a sort of GUIDE as well?

Hmmmm…makes you want to start even more prayer chains for our leaders!

Lying Is NOT Easier

We’ve all faced the temptation to tell a lie.  Maybe it’s to spare someone’s feelings.  Maybe it’s to keep yourself out of trouble.  Whatever excuse you use to give yourself permission to tell a lie, it’s still a lie.  It’s not a ‘reflection’ of your character when you lie, it IS what you are – a liar.

At some point, we will all face our lies.  If telling the truth is a mental condition, I’m really sick and not seeking any cure!  I would rather die in truth than live a lie.  I’m going to face Jesus one day, and I’d rather spend time telling Him how much I believed in Him and that I KNEW I would see Him, then stand there apologizing for not being sure.  I see this as keeping the oil in my lamp.

It’s hard to be a person of strict moral character in today’s society.  The Bible told us these times would be worse than in the days of Noah, and I sure can see that!  What a bunch of haters!  I see how the church has been defiled by becoming a duty security, observe & report on those who could probably use help in finding Jesus to change their ways!  He DOES change the lives that He touches!  But there’s no self-glory in showing the Lord to people, or I’d be living in a mansion.  The TV preachers who have it so well off?  Am I jealous?  No.  I know they got the FBI stamp of approval for their ministries.  They don’t tell people about the dangers of Satan in detail.  They’re vanilla in a Rocky Road walk.  They live lives way out of my reach, so I find their examples hard to believe in.  How could someone who isn’t being attacked by Satan be a threat to Satan?  If they were a threat to the FBI, who has set up a red flag warning system for the faithful who don’t strip themselves down to vanilla, then they would find themselves in a scandal.  Who besides GOD collects all of our personal information?  The FBI.  If they don’t feel comfortable, your life will go to hell and they’ll make it look like someone else is responsible.

I don’t advocate violence in any form.  I think violence is just a snack for the Antichrist.  Please don’t feed the Antichrist!  What scares the Antichrist is truth.  No?  Look at the lies that his ‘army’ is bound by – under the official label “OATH”.  When I was baptized, I pledged my life to the Lord Jesus.  Jesus calls Satan the ‘Father of Lies’ – and Satan is NOT my Daddy!!  You get caught in a lie, does he have your back?  No.  He loves the trouble, he wants to see you fall from grace like he did.  He doesn’t want to hear you calling on the name of the Lord, and if you try to?  He’ll just try making so much noise he thinks he can drown out your prayers from being heard by God!  Too bad Satan!  When I whispered my prayers to God, HE HEARD THEM OVER YOUR NEURO-RAPE RADIO!!

Lying isn’t easier, lies are a trap.  At some point you’ll want out from under them, and then it’ll be your turn to know the depth of the dirt the FBI claims to have on you!  They created a whole different life for me than the one I did live, it makes them look better the worse I look.  They also have all the dirt behind 9-11 hidden away somewhere.  You KNOW they do, or the wouldn’t have such outrageous power.  Washington DC is land O’ Surveillance! – hello! WATERGATE, early 1970’s!!! and only that super grainy, poor quality 5 frame clip has been released of the Pentagon being hit?  Washington DC is Land O’ Newest Technology! and THAT is the only footage available?  Everything was confiscated from the public they could find, and those who held onto what they filmed aren’t considered a threat.

Where do you think $23 TRILLION went to?  Wasn’t it Rumsfeld who made that announcement on 9-10-2001?  It’s the Neuro-Surveillance network!  Guess what people!  You GOT your NWO! Neurologically Watching Others!  It’s the ‘New World’ you always wanted, with ONE leader – too bad the corruption is what powers that boat, but you got what you wanted!  YAY FOR YOU!

Websters can use the word “neuro” as a pre-fix to so many old words, the dictionary will double in size!  Neuro-pedophillia: where your children’s private thoughts are violated.  Neuro-abuse of the Elderly: when our senior citizens memories get scrambled thru a remote lobotomy.  Man induced Alzheimers so they won’t remember.  Neur-op: the task force or Oppress Politically.  Why the secrecy?  It’s what you wanted isn’t it?  You stole $23 Trillion for it, defiled the churches, oppressed the truth, manipulated the politicians – turned the faithful from trusting in the Lord to using their church to serve Homeland.  THAT’s the one that makes me SICK to my stomach! 

So why is it, that now that you have everything you wanted, and have it your way, what is it that keeps you from BRAGGING about it too?  Why isn’t this out in the open if it’s so good?  You’re too greedy to share or you know neuro-rape is nothing to be proud of.  But you still do it, and you are still making money off it.  You have turned the Land of the free and home of the brave into a whore raped by it’s own ‘father’ for money.  How could you be such a manical, paranoid bunch and be given the authority in this country? 

What laws DO you follow?  Not God’s or you wouldn’t have opened this door.  Not Country, or you wouldn’t have denied us justice.  Not the International Laws covering Human Rights or Bush would face trial.  You see yourself as greater than ALL the laws of heaven and earth!  I point you out as the ANTICHRIST for the things you’ve done!  And I THANK GOD for His promise in Scripture that HE HIMSELF WILL DESTROY YOU!  Dragging down a beautiful country and trusting people to become just as disobedient as you…I rebuke you in the Name of Jesus and I will party with God’s Angels the day of your end!!  I’ve always known my death of flesh will mean I have done what God had me born to do. 

You created your neuro-surveillance system.  Isn’t it just like God to let you see how well you can do when you think YOU are in control?  You’ve become a slave of your own surveillance!  You can’t bring yourself to shut it off!  You think passing me around makes you rich and popular.  It makes you look like the greedy control-freaks that you are!  Your creature is your master, that damnned system you invented.  Enter your ‘security’ into the house of God and make those people think they need to trust in you first…God is showing you the trust your system provides.  SCRIPTURE – words around for thousands of years is all I preach, and it is scaring YOU.

So I guess in your own twisted way, that is an admission of God being greater than you.  I hope He scares the HELL out of you!  I pray you see that your way, the lies, are NOT easier.  You’ve actually gotten people aware of the truth of Biblical prophecy.  Truth MATTERS!

Land Of The Enslaved, Home Of The Radiated

When this began, the goal seemed to be to make me appear as tho I was an insane woman who committed an act of terrorism.  God went Bugs Bunny on their idea and stuck His finger in the gun barrel of slander, blowing everything up in their own faces.  How INSANE was it to try to make people believe that an inexperienced idiot could fashion a military styled weapon that crashed a CB radio into restricted frequencies, and caused damages to all sorts of various utilities?  30+ calls TO the Sheriff’s Department for help were filed as ‘unsubstantiated” – obviously there WAS a problem or calls for help wouldn’t have been made in the first place!  I knew SOMETHING was wrong, I just had no idea that our nation’s protectors had become my predators!

NASA has YEARS of exposing Florida to electromagnetic weapons tests.  YEARS.  And what’s the solution they’re calling on?  MORE radiation??  And I’m the one who is supposed to be insane…ooookaaay.  Everyday I see no less than 10 chemtrails across the sky, and every night as I look for the stars from the sky I only see a couple.  The rest are obscured because of the chemical film being applied to the atmosphere to prevent a clear view of this area.  What are they creating for the future of people in America?

If you don’t obey them, you will be tortured and tormented.  If you try to speak out, you will be electronically imprisoned and the life you have will be at the imagination and mercy of software designed to imitate a real life.  If you THINK about doing something, a response to those thoughts will railroad every attempt.  It’s not ‘Mind Control” specifically, it’s “Mind AND Control”  Read your thoughts and control what happens.  ANTICHRIST.  Hasn’t the world wondered how the Antichrist could have such power over so many?  There it is, stuck to your head in a phone call or at your fingertips texting.  It has a PLASMA screen doesn’t it?  They can transmit neurological frequencies thru that, that your own nerve endings can read.  “hearing thru the nervous system on inaudible frequencies”

Why do you think you’re reading my blog, and not the ‘free world’?  Because I speak TRUTH and they want me to shut up!  Have you been told you can find and believe in God on your own time not at work?  Have your orders included “DO NOT LISTEN” – because they don’t want you to have any other opinion but theirs!  Enslaved.  Did you ever think swearing an oath to PROTECT your country would mean you’d be doing something like this?  Breaking every law of Country and Commandment of God to protect a top secret project that is being used on you and your family too?  You don’t think so because you wear a jammer?  They can turn those OFF anytime they want to!  They’re the ones who turned it ON aren’t they?  THINK about it…  It’s a FALSE sense of security!

Can you believe your own eyes?  Do you see how FANATICAL the actions are that are being taken over 2 old women who were the victim of an attack?  It’s insane!  It’s PEOPLE who survive when societies and governments fail or fall.  This ‘protect the agency at the cost of life itself’ attitude will bring exactly that!  Florida has been exposed to years of radiation in experiments, then a week long surge of it in 2008, and here we go again!  Nobody is going to be allowed to come to Florida, this place is going to end up so contaminated by radiation…insurance companies will have all of those statistics, and you can bet they’re going to make it HARD on the government for costing them their profits to care for their damages.  There’s not going to be anybody left BUT sickened people.  Export all Florida products to another country, they won’t know the difference?  What if they do, and find the radiation levels high?  Do you think they’ll run right to Washington and complain?  I don’t.  Because everybody already knows Washington will deny knowing anything, and they’ll investigate for themselves – just like I did.

What about all the ppeople who have found they can really believe in Jesus thru this who are against this insanity, who DON’T want to be judged as a murderer by going along with the vote of the ego maniacs to crush, kill, destroy?  What about after we’re dead, and this wasn’t RESOLVED like adults would do?  Your plans of ‘accidentally murdered’ work, and they KNOW in their hearts it was murder and not an accident…are you going to be the handler for the person sitting next to you to make sure they never bear witness for the truth?  Will you be expected to turn on your co-workers because they found Jesus thru this?  Now, you can’t trust anybody, and the neurological readings will expand in what key words and phrases to alert to.  You could be put under surveillance just because you have regrets, even if you never said a word about it. 

In less than 4 years, this has gone from a house, to a subdivision, to a city, to a county, to a region and the state has it’s neck in place.  All because of too much pride to admit a wrong.  Deniablity over a top secret project that -duh! – I understand what it is, and what it does, and I can see what it will do.

In 11 years it’s gone from my son, to my whole family!  But these LIES using Scripture and old ladies to hide a secret project…have a reality check people…it’s a new low for America.  Yep, Revelation 12…am the the woman persecuted for being the Mother of the male child?  Are my government involved brothers the ‘two wings of a great eagle’ trying to hide us and care for us, while the ‘dragon’ that is NASA keeps coming after us to try to hide their lie?  On the South end of the island NASA is on is a dragon..  Rockets breathe fire…  And are my ‘offspring’ the people who came to believe in Christ thru this?  Why was I so obssessed with ‘gathering and planting seeds’ and why did I call my business cards, “Glory Seeds”??

The Bible wasn’t kidding about the end times being HARD was it!  Whoever it is that is so possessed with consuming my life needs many prayers for healing and deliverence!  They don’t care who they hurt, or what gets destroyed as long as they feel superior and victorious.  With God protecting us, who is their REAL opponent?  I wouldn’t be alive if not for Him.  Do they think they can kill faith in God by killing me?  Even Peter knew death is alive in Christ, and the Roman Catholic Church was formed!  Satan couldn’t kill faith in Christ in people, because he can’t kill Christ!  All he can do is try to make us miserable for keeping our faith in God.  But he can’t kill God – so he can’t kill faith!

Electronically enslaved and poisoned living conditions…all that does is make me appreciate the beauty of God’s kingdom even more!  I won’t be attacked there because of my faith in God!  I won’t be attacked there because I speak truth!  If this oppression is what America has become, maybe we should let it go.

My Bible, My Telescope

I saw the news reports in North Carolina about the billboards up saying “Science is my god”.  Don’t they see the similarities?  They have faith (beliefs) in the formation of the universe thru a telescope.  They are able to ‘diagnose” air qualities and land masses just by some ‘machine’ that was supposedly flown there by NASA.  I see NASA as one of the world’s greatest hoaxes.  HOW can so much data be retreived from planets and places outside of our atmosphere?  Mankind hasn’t even managed to master radiation IN our society, how can they honestly claim to fly thru something (radiation) they can’t manage on earth??

If they had a handle on the effects of radiation from, let’s say a nuclear detonation, then there wouldn’t be such a hooplah over other countries developing nuclear weapons.  By our own tests in Nevada in the 1950’s we’ve proven these can be detonated and only within a certain area is effected.  We dropped two on Japan, and they are still a country.  It’s what lingers that can do as much damage, so why is America developing microwave technologies when they claim ‘radiation’ is so dangerous??  It’s so hypocritical!

NASA has this HUGE budget and is powerful beyond description.  Their ‘bible’ is telescopes.  They look into them and see the ‘lights’ they want to know more about.  I read my Bible and see ‘the light’ of what I want to know more about – God.  I’ve got a million questions for Him, I promise you that!  So here’s NASA with their version of ‘the future’ – which is space.  Thru Jesus, my future is eternal and endless, just as space is to them.  Here they are, mocking GOD while their ‘beliefs’ are also in something they can’t touch, feel, or smell.  NOBODY has gone to another planet!  The moon landing?  I don’t believe it, or the Russians would’ve been right there with us or right behind us.  China is talking about going in 2025, but isn’t there a big asteroid due in 2024?  2023 would seem like the time to get out of Dodge!

They screwed up when they gave people access to the same technology they used to lie to us with.   Do you remember what a decoder ring is?  They wrote the codes, and then waited until they thought people would forget what they wrote at first, to give us the rings, because they had written so much more since then.  If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance then baffle them with bullshit, and pile it high!  They didn’t throw out those early computers, they updated them and kept the old information.  When we updated our phones just a couple of years ago, information was lost.  We were mislead.  But the truth will come out.  All this new technology has to work together smoothly.  If you put too many exceptions – or parental controls – on them, nobody will want it.  THEN who will scream louder?  You got it, the money makers!

And whose ass does Washington kiss?  Wall Street?  HAH!  Wall Street is Washington’s gambling addiction!  It won’t be too much longer and all their conspiracy games will have to end.  They gave up their hiding places for the money.  Look under that microscope, and find that evolution is also a bunch of ‘attention getting science’ – if we evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?  Science has been the greatest opponent of Faith in God, but not for much longer.  It has too much ego, and too much desire to be proven as truth.  Science will end up proving GOD IS REAL.

I can see that coming without a telescope!

Don’t Snoop If You Can’t Handle What You Find!

The constant babble is such a drag…  I’m sure to some, this is just a job.  To others?  Who knows.  To me it’s their lack of self control with the power of money and government behind them giving them even more courage to say things and do things they would never admit to ever being involved with otherwise. 

So what IS this power over these people who, in their own minds, they’re good decent people.  So what influence drives them to do things they can’t talk about publicly?  What other life situations share this trait?  When you’re a whore and you can’t talk about who your customers are without losing their return business.  How much different is that from what they’re doing to us?  But They are the whore this time, and if they consider me a paying customer, does paying with my LIFE count?  Or are their customers the BIG Business, and I’m just used like a sex toy.  They did think I was too stuiped to figure this out when it began, and I didn’t even try to for 7 years, when it happened to me.  Does that make me a ‘dildo’ that they’ve pulled out every once in a while to see if I could fit in their program or (lights out) remove the batteries?

This started out small enough, but what they’ve been taking from neurological processes in research isn’t meant for the masses.  They proved that could be done when Obama got elected.  Remember the ‘energy void’ after he was elected?  They had made their point.  They had found their fall guy for if this ever REALLY went public.  Now, they’ve kept it going for how long risking everything for the research and nothing for justice.  HOW have they been able to continue without the TOP LEVEL telling them to stop?  There’s a real sickness in keeping a couple of old ladies electronically imprisoned and letting the terrorist task force all ‘have a go’ at the VICTIMS of a horrible crime!  As if that isn’t bad enough, they’ve got my whole family on a ‘watch list’ neurologically speaking.  If they can read MY thoughts, they can damn sure read yours!  I’m aware of it, you aren’t.

Face the truth, there is absolute deniability that this has been done to me, or any scum of the earth terrorists, right?  Do you think they would tell YOU they were doing it to you?  NO!  That would be relinquishing their power, and they aren’t about to let that go!  Turning the focus onto my life, my beliefs, the way I worship God, what I write in my journals, what I think about – these are all distractions so people don’t think about the real issues, what they are really doing with this ‘god of neuro-science’ they are in control of.

THINK about it.  You are people who proclaim yourselves as moral and ethically minded, yet here you are giving your full cooperation in a flagrant disregard for our civil, legal and human rights!  HOW can you do these things?  For the money?  For the approval of others?  Because you find being cruel fun?  Don’t tell me this is FOR ‘national security’ when what you’re doing is taking a greater risk.  It feels like you talk to everybody except me about my life, as if you own me.  When did it become LEGAL to do this to an American citizen?  Is this how the victim of a crime can expect future justice?

Weapon developers shouldn’t be allowed to test new products on ANY community, ANY person, without prior consent!!!  No weapon developer should hire someone who creates a weapon that’s been used on ANY community!  If you use any kind of weapon on society, you’re NOT a hero and shouldn’t be rewarded for it by being hired by the government or any of its contractors!  I point out the Bible prophecy about the False Prophet, and our government has created and used a weapon called “Voice Of God” (Allah) which pushes microwave powered frequency into someone’s head (plasma-neurological) to hear ‘Divine’ instruction, rather than hearing it audibly -with your ears.

Biblical prophecy is quite clear about the False Prophet and the Antichrist’s fate.  Letting weapon developers test their inventions ON the people of America seems to me to be a decleration of war.  We’re being attacked aren’t we?  Isn’t it a SPIRITUAL attack if they use that ‘Weapon Of God” style technology to broadcast their brand of influence?  Have they found our subconscience brain wave frequencies so people don’t HEAR their suggestions that go against everything people believe in?  When they get caught doing their evil research, what happens?  Their victims get slandered, oppressed. threatened, tortured.  Our families get destroyed, our careers messed with, all this identity theft…this is the times the prophets warned about. 

“But nothing has happened yet, and we invented that years ago.”

God’s time isn’t like our time.  But America has financed and supported this False Prophet, even used it for its own agenda.  This is going to be dealt with by God Himself, in God’s own way.  Anybody who thinks they can stop God will quickly learn otherwise.  I’ve got all these INCREDIBLE and daily occurances where God makes Himself very VERY clear about being in our life.  Ask yourself, “WHY?”

WHY are you attacking and trying to kill defenseless old women after they’ve already been attacked?  Is this what your HEART is all about?  NO!  This is the work of that subliminal/subconscience neuro-technology that can get you to go against everything you were raised to believe in!

WHY are these things happenning in HER life?  Because God never passed judgment without first sending a messenger.  And don’t give me any crap about a woman can’t be God’s messenger either!  It’s not the messenger that matters, it’s the message that does, and even more so -who the message is from!  God only told me I would one day be called to serve Him.  He didn’t ask for my approval of how, and I’m in this for the long haul.  ALL THE WAY and FOR GOD’S GLORY!

I find it hard to be all demure and submissive to my ‘captors’ when I have promised to always obey the Lord.  Would you have listened if I had been obedient to you?  No.  You would’ve dismissed me as just another of those you have conquered with this neuro-technology.  Someone else you managed to successfully deceive.  If my son hadn’t been one of your early targets, and that was handled by ya’ll with such over reaction, I would’ve believed your ‘show’ and all the very convincing special effects.  What have you done to other people whose lives were affected by the ‘squelch monsters’ and other electronic demons?  Is this why so many people are taking medication in our country for various mental conditions?  why so many are on SSI and other disabilities?  Is this your idea of mercy – crumbs from the multi-trillion dollars projects?

Eleven years of exposure to your satellite satan of science has left my body aged early.  GOD is my only explanation for Mother and I still being alive, and I hope you have witnessed enough proof of Him being VERY real in our lives, that you don’t doubt Him anymore.  You can believe Scripture, be patient, Jesus IS coming back!

In short, if weapon developers are allowed to test their wares on the public without being held accountable for damages to LIFE and property, isn’t that called “war”?  Then once they’ve invaded the lives of our citizens, why are THEY so freaked out about what they find, when what they’re doing is an INTERNATIONAL violation of Human Rights? 

Something’s gotta give, and I’m betting on Biblical prophecy – and I believe America is in a LOT of trouble with God for defiling His miracle!

When They Invent “Spirit Radar” – Then I Will Be Concerned

God didn’t give me my gifts to fail Him.  The greatest scientific minds in the world can mock God and me, all they want to, there’s a reason the events around the Seven Thunders were sealed up.  I believe this is the time of creating the Mark of the Beast.  When neuro-technology enters the public eye and explains how the Antichrist will have such control over people.  This is also the time that explains HOW the Antichrist is able to enter the temple.  Through Homeland Security, and leading people into trusting THEM over God, when all the while, their meetings are being held in Houses of God – the church.

I’ve not been able to go into a church without it feeling like a trap instead of a place of refuge, a representation of God, and what He is there for us for.  God loves a broken man.  It’s when we find out we can REALLY call on Him to get us through the best and the worst in our lives.  He promises thru Jesus to carry our burdens, trust in Him.  How can someone who is being stalked by people of the church find refuge in God, when His House isn’t His anymore?  These people want their community cleaned up, give God a chance to work a miracle in someone’s life.  See how many people there are who have turned their lives around, by the grace of God, and been so grateful for it they’ve made contributions to the community, and touched lives in ways never expected.  The one who is forgiven much, is muchly grateful.  When these people manage to break someone’s spirit, where is that person supposed to go?

Obviously there were some serious problems in the system that was set up, or I wouldn’t be in the condition I am.  Isn’t it better to recognize the need to do something BEFORE it gets this out of hand?  For the sake of argument, I wonder why the town is emptied out at night.  Are people told they’re safe near me, but only during the day?  There’s a lot of things I don’t understand, and muddling my way thru is like swimming in taffy.  Am I really getting anywhere?  Closer to God, without a doubt, but how about the people?  Will a day ever come when truth is spoken to my face?

I think there are scientists involved for sure.  I heard someone say today how they can’t wait to see what  happens when I die.  Well, my body will be lifeless of course.  If they’ve invented ‘Spirit Radar’ or are themselves saved and gone on ahead they’ll know…but isn’t wanting to know other people’s personal business how we got here in the first place?  Isn’t my death and what follows between me and the Lord?  Come on, draw a line on where to stop invading my life – flesh and spirit already!  Isn’t there some things wrong you could be working on to make right?  Try that, you’ll feel better.

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