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Archive for the category “Social Injustice”

Revelations are the Works of the Holy Spirit

I see some things haven’t yet changed in this “cyber-realm” that imitates our humanness, and I’ll just have to add that to my prayer time. We’re living in the time when the prophet Daniel came forward and looked around. What he saw left him sickened for days (Dan. 7:15 I, Daniel, was grieved in my spirit within my body, and the visions of my head troubled me) You go back to v.1 and it states clearly about his visions he wrote down the dream, telling THE MAIN FACTS, which is a clue to those who study God’s word, that, “Hey! There’s MORE to these than what we have HERE!” and thereby comes the motivation to GO AND SEEK for more.

Many books were lost to wars and times. but I have no doubts that the good Lord has seen to it, that we will find and have what we each need in our own lives. The ‘politics of religion’ seem to me that the church is focused on building ITS ‘flock’ for Yeshua. This is not a wise thing to do, and I say this because, no ‘flock of sheep’ was ever able to defend itself. If they could, they wouldn’t need a Shepherd. When you don’t have a shepherd out there to protect the sheep, what do you use then? FENCES and maybe a dog. Has the ‘church of National Security’ become our ‘shepherd’ and is now deciding who is a wolf and who is a sheep? WHAT ALL did Daniel see?

I’m not trying to sound like a cop-basher here, I think they’re dealing with the consequences for years of corruption these days, and some revelations are hard lessons to be learned in order to set us straight. Other things going on in America are also an indication that we’re going to learn our lesson, or be humbled painfully in our arrogance. How many Viet Nam veterans are there, who still deal with the scars of war – and they aren’t even IN Viet Nam anymore. So, I’m NOT condoning the cyber-attack against SONY over that movie, but those people are living in the places where so much pain and destruction occurred. President Obama’s slogan for “Forward” and we go and pour salt on a wound? What is in America’s mind? Are we looking for another war? We need to be sensible and realistic, there are so many proverbial skeletons in our closets, and attitudes AGAINST our nation…I, myself, wish for the accountability for the war crimes we’ve been accused of committing. I do believe that if these are NOT addressed while still somewhat fresh, they will do nothing but grow resentment towards America, leaving posterity to clean up our mess, or worse, pay the consequences we avoided.

We look at how our law enforcement prefers to hire military veterans, and we’re seeing our own public crying out the same way “our enemies” have, against excessive use of force and crimes against humanity. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. As awful as this truth sounds, we need to find out how to face it. I don’t think they were really able to leave the war behind them either. The plague of PTSD that we HEAR about is obviously only the tip of this iceberg.

May the healing come through the Holy Spirit for our nation. If we don’t recognize the real ‘enemy’ we’re going to be fenced in and attacking each other out of our own attempts at self-preservation.

How To Make Illegal, Legal?

Happy New Year?  Has America’s government really just legalized telephone and email surveillance?  Does this mean that a surveillance recording, obtained illegally or unethically, which is played in someone else’s phone call or sent in an email, is rendered ‘legal’ by 2nd and/or 3rd parties?  Isn’t this more than opening the proverbial ‘Pandora’s Box’ – but smashing it into pieces for one of the biggest social nightmare’s bonfires in history?

Am I the only one seeing this leading to those wonderful (sic) ‘biomagnetic implants’ that will be developed out of the desperate need to regain control?  I’m stunned and amazed at the world today.  I have commented in the past about how: “Out of control will lead to the need FOR control” – but I didn’t realize, this is how a dictatorship is born.

I guess as the defense contractors struck it rich in the George Bush ‘Gold Mine” – with all the outdated laws that don’t protect people in this new age of technology and surveillance, will the lawyers now reap the financial gain from the chaos?  “Somebody” sure needs to take control, and lots of folks would probably jump on that opportunity.  But what’s in place?  When you’re a ‘leader’ you still follow something (like rules and standards).  When you’re a ‘ruler’ you make up the rules as you go along, right?

I see the complaints about President Obama’s “going around Congress and exercising Executive Powers”.  How can he ‘go around’ a Congress that takes so much time off, while the rest of the country is 24/7?

The lawlessness has gotten out of control.  Since there are too many to arrest, or who won’t stop with the insanity of vigilante justice, then making surveillance legally include everybody…what right is there left to complain about?  Maybe a bunch of ‘dirty-secrets’ will burst into the open, and all kinds of new ideas for movies and shows will flood the market?  An over abundance of ideas should drive the price down on potential manuscripts, and maybe the nosiness will calm down.  What an answered prayer THAT would be!  Privacy restored for lack of interest!  And that’s LEGAL!!

The Right To Bear Arms

It is a very sensitive subject in today’s time.  It’s a RIGHT, which doesn’t make it an obligation to own a weapon.  But I’m not going to demand that people surrender their weapon.  It’s a CHOICE whether to own a weapon or not.  It’s a RESPONSIBILITY when you do own one, to use them safely.  I owned a Colt .38 revolver for over 20 years.  I am the victim of a very violent attack.  Having the gun didn’t make any difference, there was no defense against the way I was attacked.  Using the gun against who hurt me, would’ve landed me in jail, and not brought true justice through the legal system, not to mention killing someone is against God’s Commandments.

I don’t feel threatened by people who own guns.  I see a more dangerous situation as a result of misinformed, misled and betrayed.  It’s not the gun that is the true ‘weapon’, or even the finger on the trigger.  If you want to stop bullets from killing people – take away the reasons that bring them to that point.  Restore INTEGRITY in America.  Take. Take. Take.  It’s time for some GIVE. 

I have blessed those who hurt me, and loved those who hate me.  It’s a lot slower of a process, a lot harder to get through, but when I die, I want a clear conscience.  Not a bunch of regrets weighing me down Spiritually.  The right to “Bear Arms” for me means I can be a ‘Prayer Warrior”.  And if it’s a situation beyond my own abilities, He has blessed many people in different ways so that we can all work together through this life.  I’m not a ‘fighter’ in the physical sense, with fists, knives or guns.  Our future in America is we will be fighting for our LIVES period:

Obama Approves Raising Permissible Levels of Nuclear Radiation in Drinking Water. Civilian Cancer Deaths Expected to Skyrocket

In soil, the PAGs allow long-term public exposure to radiation in amounts as high as 2,000 millirems. This would, in effect, increase a longstanding 1 in 10,000 person cancer rate to a rate of 1 in 23 persons exposed over a 30-year period…“No compelling justification is offered for increasing the cancer deaths of Americans innocently exposed to corporate miscalculations several hundred-fold.”

Will 1 in 23 be killed by GUNS? No.  Why do I need a gun?  To fight for the right to live to suffer?  The thug on the corner may go on a shooting spree, but if this article is accurate, and the government is worried about armed citizens?  In 30 years, the citizens arms will be falling off their bodies from cancer!  We’ll only be able to shoot dirty looks!  Corporate miscalculations – we won’t even be able to sue the source of our suffering to pay for a medical treatment.  I guess we ARE headed for Socialist Health Care, whether we want it or not.

All we really do have, that we can truly count on, is a prayer.  This isn’t America anymore.

Living God VS. Scientific Faith

We have reached the point in time that we all (as Christians) knew would come.  And its damn scary!!!  Science has finally advanced to the point of the greatest deception our faith has ever known, and the determindness of Atheists to prove God as nothing more than a neurological illusion is upon us.

Our first duty is of course to trust in God for the glory to Him in His greater plan.  The next thing we need to do is to “turn the other cheek” as Jesus taught us to – which goes against everything we believe in socially.  WHY should we???  Because it’s what Jesus said to do, it’s for GOD’S GLORY and not ours.  Oh sure, we are GREATLY offended by what they’re doing, and their opinion…but think of Job.  He kept his faith in God while everybody else had some different opinion.  This “stay focused on God” is also what will protect Israel.  TRUST GOD!!!!  We, as Christians were promised that we would suffer for our faith, right?  We’re kicking and screaming and protesting – but we forget how Jesus was led to Cavalry – TOTALLY SUBMITTED TO SERVING GOD’S PURPOSE. 

Don’t you trust in the Word of God, that their blasphemy AGAINST HIM will be dealt with?  I do.  But I also know the suffering I’m going thru SUCKS (for me) but God isn’t done yet is He??   No!!

I think they’re going to try to “prove God is a neurological experience” and “perceptions can be fooled neurologically” in order to win their argument.  A lot of people have such lacking in their faith because they’re expectations for “the blessed life’ didn’t live up to what they’d imagined.  So they lost faith. Here comes this ‘neurological god’ – it’s drugs without swallowing!  Have you ever known the euphoria of a drug or alcohol enhanced experience?  They did to ‘the high’ what DNA did with genetics: a dissection.

Did you ever get in trouble?  Did you ever destroy something as you tried to figure out how it worked?  Did you ever get caught being curious or careless?  Why didn’t God stop us from THAT?  Why did God let us get into such trouble?  Did we need to learn TOLERANCE for when the time came that  ‘Science’ was going to get into trouble?  How did WE learn to depend on God?  We were “broken” and learned our lessons the hard way, right?  So  with their “Teenager-I-know-more-than-you-do” attitude, shoulde we be gracious and love science like a child who is learning the truth?  FAITH IN GOD is older than science, and if you are a parent, you know that ‘letting go so the child can learn’ is the hardest thing you’ve ever done.  Especially when the child’s learning MAY show that we didn’t know as much as we thought we did.

I don’t agree with their idea that God is nothing but a neurological perspective – and it could be it’s just a language barrier and us nor them has found the right way to explain things yet…when it is our time to know, GOD WILL REVEAL ALL THINGS!  I choose to worship the Living God that I have come to know and love and trust.  If we are to turn the other cheek, then we have to let these people find who they think they can trust also.  After all, don’t we KNOW that it’s by JESUS we enter the kingdom of God?  God has given us the room to make mistakes, and when we hit bottom – we find ourselves calling on Him, and he’s there for us.  Christians believe EVERY knee will bend and proclaim Jesus as the Messiah because it’s promised by Scripture.  Then why are we such BUSYBODIES???  How will these people ever get to their knees if we’re so busy keeping their minds off their lesson to be learned?  LET THEM LEARN that it’s GOD, not their science ONLY. 

Turn the other cheek.  Let them learn the hard way.  If they won’t LISTEN and all they see are hypocrites?  Then trust in God to teach them in a way they WILL believe!  Sure, they’re going to make our lives miserable, but Glory to God – wasn’t  that also one of His promises?  Suffer for the Lord’s sake?  We’re supposed to be setting the example that they will return to after they realize they were wrong.

Known by our fruit…don’t be rotten to them while they figure it out.

Big Brother’s Pet Beast

First, as a parent who has also closed the lid on my child’s casket, I want to express my condolences for the community of Newtown, Conneticut.  I know there’s nothing I can say to them during this time.  I pray they find healing in sharing about the lives of those affected, and not stay too long on the negative.  Some questions will never be answered.  Many solutions will be offered to try to prevent things like this from happening in the future.  I’ll begin there…

This idea has probably already been on somebody’s ‘drawing board’ – but it needed justification to come into use.  We have a lot of people who LOVE their guns in America, and they have very strong opinions about their rights, so this ‘idea’ probably won’t make me popular.

TRACK THE BULLETS.  We have locators on our phones, cars and practically everything bought and sold already, and we’ve accepted this branding for various reasons.  I’m sure they can figure out a way to micro-RFID a bullet when they’ve done it to so many other objects.  At the time of purchase, the bullets will be scanned over a device that will link your information to the bullets much the same way the theft devices work.  But I don’t think things will stop with this.  (A PRO to this is the aid it will lend to law enforcement for solving murders with guns, but it could also push a murderer into a darker mind as they retrieve their bullets)

Our ‘Right to Bear Arms’ won’t be taken away, but it will be amended to follow some very strict qualifications, and it won’t happen overnight.  They’ve already messed around with this before, so don’t be upset.  A convicted felon isn’t allowed to own a weapon, but they don’t have their citizenship revoked…think of it like a driver’s license, and America has  gotten too many tickets for recklessness.

I can imagine that criminal and medical backgrounds will be checked.  If you’ve ever been diagnosed or treated for ANY mental condition, NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE A WEAPON –unless you are cleared by a psychologist familiar with combat issues. (Remember, it’s a WEAPON!).  You will likely have to re-certify every so often, depending on circumstances, just like with a driver’s license.  This ‘status’ of: permit or deny- can be added to your ID.  Endorsement for carrying a concealed weapon, if your home meets the requirements for keeping a weapon stored, your vehicle, etc…Gun shows will probably take a strong slap, people won’t be able to even ENTER the area without being properly cleared. 

Think of all the wireless frequency being introduced into our world, our bodies feel this, even without our awareness.  It’s time to realize that we are paying for all these nice plasma based technologies with our very lives.  Our blood contains plasma.  We don’t ‘feel’ any effects from our electronics…not one we notice anyway but our BRAINS are receiving these signals through our nerve endings, and a lot of neurological processes take place without our thinking about them.  Digestion, our heart beating, blood flowing, reproduction of cells..these are things we don’t think about but our bodies still do.  I strongly believe that our use of all this technology DOES have an effect on people neurologically, therefore, to guard against an imbalance that could lead to some ‘mental condition’ while keeping our weapons, psychological evaluations will have to be made.  With so much violence and sex being transmitted on wireless, plasma (HD) frequencies, and our brains are trying to be like a cable box and sort it all out, isn’t it realistic to expect Obamacare to establish preventative and curative treatments?  The FCC can get together with the AMA and the FBI to provide the ATF with what they need to be the Gun gods of America.

Who is going to argue against these precautions?  Will protecting our children make us criminals?  Most gun owners are responsible, and I believe they can agree, it doesn’t take very much or very many to ruin things for everybody.  There really are people who have been able to drive millions of miles without an accident, and they are required to wear seatbelts and pay for insurance.  What is insurance?  It’s a measure we pay for, for when someone else makes a mistake.  We’re so perfect and it’s never our fault (unless we get caught). 

All of these solutions sound like our rights being violated?  Then you haven’t seen what’s allowed under the Patriot Act…the Anti-Constitution.  Does it sound like science fiction to look at what’s new in our society, that may be having an effect on social behaviors?  Guns have been around a lot longer than the plasma transmissions, and there’s GOT TO BE an explanation for where all the craziness is coming from, and how the CHILDREN are becoming the violent offenders.

Trying to making sense of the tragedy is the natural reaction by any parent.  When our air was polluted by industrial waste, we cleaned it up for health reasons.  We can’t see or smell the extent of Frequency Pollution we’ve created, but I believe we will see more and more problems to come that can be linked to this ‘New Way of Life’.  We have children to protect, we all have that soft spot when we’re born..surrounded by fluid while we’re carried…and Jesus warned about crying for our children…this stuff actually ‘invades’ our bodies.  It can go thru cement, it can go thru skin.

We’ll not find the solution unless we’re willing to look honestly at the cause of the problems.  Adding a quart of oil has never re-inflated a flat tire.


Port St. John Chapter 2

     I look around where I live, and I see a striking resemblence to how things were when we were attacked in 2008.  But they’re building this scenario on lies too.  If it didn’t work out like they wanted it too back then, why would they think they could pull it off now?  Have they been practicing on other people and places?

     I’m angry about how they managed to convince me that the landlord from back then was in on their scheme.  It wasn’t his equipment, and his hands were tied when it came to telling me about it, or removing it.  So when Willy put up the tower wrong, and they refused to make things right THEN and got all paranoid and greedy…come on, if that house was broadcasting what was going on the day I was charged (falsely) with Domestic Violence, then there are a great many people who heard how poorly Deputy Moss handled things.  It was the restraining order they put on me that kept me from trying to work things out with Willy to take down the damn tower, and get my Magnum radio back.  Spears didn’t want that, he wanted Doug’s house so bad, he didn’t care what had to be done.  Off balancing the trees while I was in jail – no, I didn’t see who was responsible for doing that, but the day Tropical Storm Fay came thru, Asplundh came out and made them safer.  The crew didn’t call Doug, they went across the street to Alan’s.

     Nobody did anything to that house without Alan somehow getting himself involved.  Even coming over to talk to the window installers and making his nasty remark, “She’s okay as long as she’s taking her Zanax” – and I DON’T take any.  I don’t like how they make me feel!!  When the crew came out for the ditch, I couldn’t get thru on the phone to Doug because Alan had already called him!  All the emails I sent to Doug begging him not to discuss me with Alan all disappeared off my computer right after I tried to report the attack to NASA security.  All those guys did was refer me to the always too busy to meet with me Sheriff, and I went anyway, leaving a packet I’d made with the pictures of the proof I’d found.  Maybe ALAN heard from Parker, but I never did.

     I put up NO TRESSPASSING signs.  The ones that faced Alan’s house kept getting ripped down, no matter how many staples I used.  When I tried to report the vandalism, the female deputy said it was from “the wind”.  So I showed her the one from the back fence that had fallen straight to the ground “in this wind”  – funny, all of those pictures are now missing off my computer too.  Talk about hell bent on destroying the evidence.  We can’t have the truth about WHY the Brevard County Sheriff is such a powerful man – he’s got death squads!  Character Assasination is their specialty. 

     I think Doug saw that I drove Big Trucks and figured I’d be able to handle living by Alan.  I ran solo most of my career, and anybody who has any time Over The Road can attest to just how hard that can be, and with way women are treated out there, it gets even tougher.  “What’s the 20 on the lot lizard?’ as soon as you talk on the CB.  Others thought I should find me a husband to run team with – that’s not a good reason to get married!  It gets crazy out there!  But it was good practice for what I came off the road to deal with.  I couldn’t go find another parking spot, and ignoring him only made things worse, now that I look back.  I didn’t come off the road to be his mistress.  I respected his wife.  I ALMOST let things go too far, and  usually when you’re as drunk as I was that afternoon I wouldn’t have cared, but this felt more wrong and disgusting than it did when I worked in the whorehouses years ago.  I had thought maybe if I went along with him, he’d stop being so obnoxious…WRONG.  I gave an inch and he was ready to go the mile.  Well, at least where I live now, I don’t look out the window in the middle of the night while Alan fogs his yard for mosquitoes in his tighty-whiteys.  There were things he did that just left me shaking my head….As Doug said, “Alan is Alan” there’s no explaining him.  I even tried going to church with Alan and his wife and I thought I would vomit the whole time I was with them.  There really is something unexplainable about Alan.

     The new neighbor reminds me of Alan, without the pervert part.  Big barrel chest, cocky attitude..and I understand they’re into radio (hmmm, like Alan but what frequency?).  There was a vacant lot to our North, we have that here too.  There was a shopping center behind us in PSJ – here it’s a thrift store.  Willy was always thought of as ‘trailer trash’ by Alan, and there’s a whole trailer park on the other side of the back fence.  But they didn’t get the landlord part right.  Doug’s house was safe from the beginning.  He was really good to me.  But here, it’s like the ‘forces that control’ are once again trying to blame things on the landlord.  The trees are off balance with major roots removed, the stove, the wiring, the AC all rigged up to overheat and catch fire…the metal roof in place of the CB tower.  There’s even a boat in the backyard, and unfinished wood exposed on the shed.  Like I have to pay the price for the decisions Doug made that Alan didn’t like.  How many times have I offered to paint or do things for these landlords, and the owner of the house next door?  Plenty.  Just like I offered to do things for Doug.  But when Alan didn’t like it, Alan let it be known!

     Doug was good to me.  I saw him be good to David for a year and a half, so I felt comfortable asking him if I could rent one of his other houses if they became available.  Deputy Cook asked me why I didn’t just move to another house in Port St. John, and he said very clearly, “Your problems didn’t start until you moved into this house” – meaning Manth.  Same landlord, and the neighbor from hell.  He was trying to tell me who was causing me so much trouble.

     Alan told me things about himself that a married man should keep in his marriage, privately.  I was NOT interested in knowing that in order for him to attain an erection he had to inject medicine directly into his penis.  That’s GROSS!  He showed me where, and it had a little scab on it.  I WAS NOT INTERESTED IN EVER BECOMING HIS LOVER!!!  And I haven’t been successful in getting him out of my life, even after moving a total of a thousand miles in two moves!  I don’t know how he keeps managing to find people to take up his cause, when his cause in my life has been to have absolute control over me.  I’m a human radio thanks to his obsession with me, and it SUCKS.

     Deputy Nidy even went pervert on me after the October 5th 2007 Willy-move out thing.  He invited me and Tony over for a beer at his house.  He was off-duty, it was the first Sunday and football was on TV.  But where he got the idea from to take my hand and put it under his shirt to show me his pierced nipple is beyond me.  Just a couple of nights earlier I’d told him how Willy had raped me on Tuesday (10/2/2007).  WHY would a Deputy think a recently violated woman would be interested in ANY sex??  I’ll bet there is a record of a phone call between Spears and Nidy sometime between Thursday night and Sunday night.  Alan has done quite a job telling people what a whore I am or was.  Being rejected by a whore couldn’t have been good for that monster ego of his, but it explains the obsession doesn’t it.

     I look around here, and I see Port St. John happenning all over again, there’s even a coil of wire, about the same size (but not as much wire) as the one in 2008, hanging off the pole on the corner.  I guess they’re dead set on reminding me in every way possible of what happened.  I guess that’s WHY I keep going over and over and over what I remember.  This tactic is meant to drive the people who hear me crazy enough to finish the job Brevard County Sheriff Deputies started.  Bradford County, to be the stink for their shit.  They microwaved their own community, they don’t care about what happens to someone else.  Try to claim they made you do these things when you get in trouble about it, you’re responsible for your own actions.

     Thanks for delaying the sage and sweetgrass delivery.  Add religous persecution to your list of Forgivness Prayers – there’s an App for that.

Reality Check

     Brevard County, Florida Sheriff Deputies orchastrated a violent crime against me and my Mother (AND their own community!) in 2008 in an effort to cover up abuse of department surveillance equipment for sexual perversions.  Falsifying reports in attemps at insurance fraud which was supposed to kill me so I couldn’t dispute them.  They FAILED because God sent His Angels to protect us, so I could tell the truth.  They filed false reports about copper thefts that weren’t thefts, which led to an audit of contractors costing a great deal of people to lose income.  With technology being used to deceive, thank the good Lord there are people working on new technology to counteract this expensive problem!  Won’t it be a real blessing, and God’s payback, when corrupt cops will have to use this new technology to file their reports as a preventative to fraud and the arrest of innocent people thru grudges!  Even the good cops can appreciate this, after all, when you’ve got one cop out there who can’t live up to his oath, it makes the rest of them look bad.  The public doesn’t see the name tag, they see the uniform or the department.  The good cops aren’t worried about this technology, it will just validate their integrity, a real PR boost to restore trust for our badged protectors, a time of terror to the corrupt who ‘scrapped’ off of insurance fraud.  And maybe, if they get this developed fast enough, we can even get to the truth about what happened to us.  That will put a lot of minds at rest, finally, those deputies won’t be able to lie about it!!

     I guess this is why there seems to be such an urgency to get support from the community we moved to, to destroy our lives.  But the bonds of brotherhood aren’t true.  They aren’t going to find the support they think they will have.  Let’s say it goes down, I’m dead, the house is destroyed, and there’s massive radiation, but this time in the water supply because we’re so far inland.  Do the people around here think fingers won’t be pointed at them?  Oh YES!  I’m gone.  Dead.  They can try to say, “But she was a witness to the crime in Brevard County!” – “So why did you kill her?  She can’t testify from the grave in a court of law, and look what you did!  We are alive and know what happened her by you.  Sorry, Whatever happened in Brevard, there’s no dealing with that now.”  And the world will see this area as radiation redneck terrorists.

     I want the technology developed.  These lying deputies don’t want a credible, living witness to what they’ve done.  If you’re an honest person, there’s nothing to be afraid of when it’s installed OPENLY.  People already trust in computer programs to redirect spam to junk folders in emails.  So why not a voice technology that does the same in filing reports?  Won’t that also free up their time to do more police work?  Reports transcribed, in spoken truth, with an alert for lies.  Your cell phones already have the voice to print technology, and you’re not afraid of that are you?

     If there’s an act of terrorism in the county next to yours, wouldn’t you want to know the truth so you can do what you need to do to protect yourself and your loved ones?  These guys BLASTED their own community!  The Kennedy Space Center Credit Union was close enough I could throw a golf ball into their parking lot.  How about all the food sold at the Publix?  Did it too become contaminated by radiation?  These people DO NOT want me to tell the truth because what they did, was so horrific.  The Sheriff, Jack Parker, didn’t do his community any favors by not holding his employees responsible for their actions.  I’m a NOBODY, especially in comparison to his life’s accomplishments – but I AM NOT A LIAR!!!

     I was once told there were too many people involved to be arrested, but they were also exposed to the same dangers as we were, to varying degrees.  Then there’s all of those who weren’ t involved, what about them?  Infants and animals weren’t running radio equipment, the sick in the hospitals, the children at school…if they didn’t care enough about their own community NOT to do this, then why would the people here think nothing of having another go of it?  When does this madness stop?  How much more insanity has to happen before people agree, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!  WE’RE NOT TAKING THE FALL FOR YOUR CRIME!! 

     Think about it, Prophetic Logic is clear.  The waste water plant is as close to this house as the cell tower was to Carney’s house in Port St. John.  They use frequency that travels well in water, and how many metal pipes are in the area?  The damages would be astronomical!  The Instigators won’t get the blame for what you do.  And they’ll likely be the first ones trying to claim they warned you about what would happen.  That’s the way bullies are.  The water table for Florida is shallow in comparison to other states.  There are a whole lot of lakes and ponds around here, we’re not on the ocean or the Intercoastal that carried Brevard’s dirty work out to sea, we’re inland.  When the A.R.R.L. president came out and inspected Carney’s house 12/31/2008 (at my request) he said something about a floating ground -whatever that is – and how driving a ground rod 30′ down might make a difference, but he didn’t sound like it would..just something to try.  WHERE was I supposed to find a 30′ ground rod, and how was I going to pound that into the ground?  I think he was talking about the well that was only a few feet away, and how deep it was.  There’s still things I haven’t learned about that happened, but God has shown me enough so I can explain the basics.  ETHICAL INTEGRITY MATTERS!!

     I will be thankful if/when they develop truth technology.  Maybe if this gives them an awareness of how much they lie and are held accountable for their actions it will be the seed of behavior modification.  If they have to be honest when they file reports, it’s a start.  The next thing you know, the honesty will become second nature instead of trying to beat the system and screw people over.  The drug companies won’t like this (hahaha) by telling the truth, people will sleep better at night.  They won’t have the anxiety of being caught in their lies…when you’re not all stressed out, you’re healthier..uh-oh!  More benefits to ‘beating the bad guy!’  THE LIES!!  Nope, I’m not having a fantasy at all.  My Bible promises “On Earth as it is in Heaven” and one day that will happen.  The Lord has shown me many times that I really can trust in Him, just be patient.  And there ain’t no place for lies in heaven!!

     If these people go and do another radiation attack, and it gets MORE into the Florida ecology, what will happen if they poison THE Mouse?  Disney is another International Big Boy, you start messing with his cheese, and tourists aren’t safe to visit Central Florida because of radiation levels…aren’t you committing financial suicide?  The Princess would be lost without her castle, and where would they board Pluto?  The Animals at Sea World, I hope they’re being closely monitored since this happened…don’t these people even stop to think about all the places and people they affect?  No.  They’re only worried about not getting the blame.

     Parker has some nice stats for his life’s acheivements, but that still doesn’t make him ‘GOD’ – covering up for his boys, doesn’t make him a hero in my eyes either.  He avoided every meeting I tried to have with him over this, and passed things on to Commander Jimmy Donn, who became head of Staff Services (Internal Affairs).  He never met with me in either position, and as head of Internal Affairs I would think he would WANT to deal with the bad apples!  But…it’s all part of Parker being one of the most powerful men on the Space Coast, he just has more friends who are willing to help him cover up the truth.  And God knows who they are.

Death Row

     Where I live, the prison that executes the GUILTY is nearby.  Many of the residents here are guards in the prisons in Lawtey and Reiford.  If you’ve ever watched the movie “The Green Mile” it has scenes about the electric chair.  Percy, the merciless guard even cooks one man painfully to death by improper procedure.  How many people really look into the specifics of how to kill someone?  Not too many I suppose.  Most people are about LIVING life, not TAKING one.  Ahhh, but the powers that run this research are freaking out.  If they had been TRUE Christians, thoughts of how to kill innocent old women wouldn’t be what’s on their minds, but how to obtain justice for us would.  After all, justice WAS established to ensure domestic tranquility when America was formed.  But if they’re turning their backs on the 10 Commandments, then the laws made by men surely don’t hold any consequences for them to worry about.  These are people who have already been doing work outside and above the laws of the land anyway, right?  So what are they worried about?  Nothing.  They don’t even think God is real.  Aren’t they in for a rude awakening.  Maybe that IS what this IS….their rude awakening….

     Spears and Carney had a bet.  A nasty one.  But they thought the odds were in their favor, so they went for it.  Funny isn’t it?  One of the biggest Human Behavioral Studies areas is Las Vegas.  Watch what the ‘good decent people’ do when they can go somewhere to a place, when what’s taboo at home is legalized there.  On vacation, people become themselves.  They aren’t worried about what their neighbors back home will think of them, or their church family passing judgment on them….no.  Odds are, what they do in Vegas, “stays in Vegas” as the pitch goes.  That’s been going on in Florida for years,  People on vacation letting their hair down and letting off steam.  But Florida has the “Nice, FAMILY” areas to visit.  This gives the researchers quite a contrast to Vegas.  Buy a hooker here, you’re going to jail too.  The locals know who the visitors are…that’s really evident by us coming to Starke.  And look what came to town before us to lay out the red carpet!  Oh yeah!  “We need your help ‘friend'” – but they weren’t HONEST about what was really going on…  That is also taking a gamble.  They had bet they could do what they wanted to do before they were discovered.  They had bet on people being stuiped, hateful and easily influenced and bribed.  All the studies in Human Behavior, and they are so arrogant they forget they are human too.

     Eleven years ago next month, my son was exposed to this technology.  He died five years ago.  If these people who think that killing me and my Mother is going to put an end to the research, they aren’t paying attention.  Seven years between my son and then us.  EIGHTEEN MONTHS after Bobby died, they came after his Mother and Grandmother!  My grand-nephew is being experimented on in this field too –BUT WITH HIS FATHER’S CONSENT!!!  They’re saying how they’re looking for a cure to Autism.  Mother and I don’t have any ‘qualifying conditions’ for their research.  That’s their biggest complaint.  My records were falsified to make it LOOK like I had something I didn’t, so they could do their revenge and insurance fraud, and let the ‘big boys’ of government clean up their mess!  Part of their solution?  Freak out the public!  One of the biggest control factors our government has used successfully is FEAR.  When people are scared, they look for a leader to protect them.  This research has serious abuse of Human Rights and Ethics Violations, and has been going on for a long time, in secret.  They were playing the odds.  They thought they could slander someone so badly, and destroy any credibility of the person who learned the truth, thereby keeping their secret safe.

     They can’t stop progress anymore than they can stop God Himself.  If they’re scared of being found out, who told them the Bible was bullshit?  “In the end, ALL truths will be known” -there’s nothing about exclusions for the most wicked being found out.  In fact they are the ones who should be the most afraid and eager to repent!  Washington created Cyber-Security how many years after the Internet was turned loose to the public?  Ya think maybe they should’ve set that part up FIRST???  They left the door unlocked for that closet of skeletons, and now they’re in a panic mode, hollering “Be AFRAID!! National Security is compromised!”  Well, whose fault is that?  Duh.

     You’ve got it right there on YouTube, all the CB Shootouts with high powered directional radios.  You’ve got it right there on TV commercials of all the really great cellphone tower coverage (MICROWAVE TECHNOLOGY – hello!).  Didn’t somebody even notice that as more cell towers went up, the FCC ‘police’ weren’t out there saying, “Too much power in your equipment”?  This is the SAME combination as the military has been using in the Middle East isn’t it?  I think so.  It’s a minature version of our military.  It’s IN OUR NEIGHBORHOODS.  But nobody said anything, and the weapon developers were given a free pass to do experiments in Electromagnetics Research.  I think dividing everything up to keep people from knowing what was going on led to the WORST CASE SCENARIO.  You can’t park two cars in the same spot without damage. 

     Our roof is wet from the rain.  There’s a pile of lumber sitting out in the rain that’s going to be nailed on as soon as the rain stops.  I asked the man who will be putting our new METAL roof on when he was going to do this, “Will you let the roof dry first?  The second sunny day?”  No.  A metal roof is going to go on on top of wet shingles, with wet lumber.  I see this as the wet sponge between the head and the cap used in the electric chair.  These people want to see if I will survive a ‘head wound’ so they can call me the Antichrist.  I already pointed all of that out while in Fayetteville when Congresswoman Giffords was shot in the head.  CONGRESS, where the money comes from to do all these horrible things to people – took the hit.  Like it or not, I am only a messenger.  Our COUNTRY is in judgment, and I am able to point out a circumstance and relate it to prophecy.  That does not make me an ANTIchrist!!  It makes me a FOR Christ!  “But the great signs and wonders…”  What do you people think has been and is being done with neurological manipulations?  3-D, where an image comes ALIVE!!  This is a false reality.  I’m not wasting my time trying to trick ANYBODY!

     Living in the End Times, as we are, it’s just not worth it (to me) to lie for any reason!

Be Afraid?

     It has taken EIGHT YEARS and probably expensive legal representation and other costs, before the government was found negligent for failing to stop a weapons’ developer from creating military grade Anthrax that killed 5 people in 2003.  Shameful, and thankfully is being broadcast on FOX News.  The public needs the awareness.  Our government allows some very dark researh to be done. 

     Our government would have a LOT more respect if it stops trying to appear perfect.  It’s run by people who make mistakes, and when the Blame Game begins, then the focus becomes another form of political posturing to avoid accountability.  The ‘dance’ they do to avoid responsibility is a disgrace.  We do our best to raise our children to tell the truth and face up to their actions right away.  We do this as our way of raising children to become responsible adults.  We want our children to grow up and be respected adults.

     Is there some kind of ‘BE THE BEST LIAR YOU CAN BE!’ mind control frequency zeroed in on Washington?  What happens to these once ethically raised children, that they have become the biggest pain in the American Reputation?  Have we got too many people in Washington, that maybe the border fence should go up around IT?  Isn’t the bureaucracy of baffled brilliance a greater threat?  These bills and various legislations are written with the kind of language that in order for any citizen to understand it, we should start teaching political and legal sciences to our children so we can know they’ll be protected from these encrypted requests when it’s their turn to be leaders.  Hasn’t there been a lot of authorizations for fundings because the requests were so lengthy and filled with scientific jargon, that the real purpose was overlooked?  I think so.  Very much like me when I was trying to figure out what had been done to us.  I had no prior electronics training, and I had to learn the language and applications in order to understand the BASICS.  I wasn’t given the full truths.  I had no weaponry knowledge beyond knowing how to load my revolver.  Give me a semi-automatic and I second guess the position of where the safety is on or off.  I don’t fight with weapons.  I hate violence.  If you can’t get thru something with clear reasoning,,, don’t BOTH SIDES have to be able to understand what is creating the problem in order to resolve it?  Yes.  Give a proposal to who you want the money from to fund the research, if you’re a friend of that person, all you need to do is smile and make it sound valuable.  Chances are, they won’t pour over the documents in order to gain the undersatnding.

     Congress is approached for allotment of money to all different fields, and they aren’t EXPERTS in every one of them!  Our budget is dispensed by people who have not had personal experiences with EVERY program they give money to.  Maybe that’s what they should do in their time off?  Go EXPERIENCE these programs as tho they need it.  go get a first hand, eyes on, look at what affect their decisions are having on us little people.  I don’t think they’ll ever take my suggestion to heart, but isn’t one of the biggest complaints in the country right now “The Gap” between Washington and the people it’s supposed to serve?

     Pay the landowners of the real estate around Washington and let the COUNTRY own it.  Make this area PUBLIC SERVANT HOUSING, Give them the same salary as the National Average.  Stop coddling these people for personal favors.  This kind of life is good enough for troops and prisoners and the poor.  Aren’t they “just American Citizens” too?  Maybe if they felt they were actually serving their country rather than getting all they can get for the ‘job they do’ – then we wouldn’t have so many problems.  They could focus on making THE COUNTRY better, and not just their own lives!

     I was reading in Revelation earlier, and I am able to connect the dots between what was prophesied and things that are happening in our life time.  I confess, I wish I was on the outside looking in.  Being in the middle of this is so difficult.  When I do get away from this ‘human/rat experiment house” I feel like my old self, smiling, easy going, quick to help others…able to BREATHE.  In this house, with so many different frequencies focused on it so these future harvesters of souls for Satan can perfect their work, the negativity is smothering.  It creates a deep sympathy for the people in the countries we have occupied over the last 11 years.  I seriously doubt if every soldier who ever went had this stuff completely explained to them.  Just warnings about being too close to certain equipment while in use, but not the reasons why.  They were probably told when to change frequencies and what frequencies to change to, but it was probably only explained as not being compromised.  I don’t think that was the complete truth.

     And Washington provided the funding to develop these weapons, but did not provide an “In Case Of – Failure, Damages, or Exposure to Innocent Civilians”  like an insurance policy.  How can weapon developers NOT be held accountable when the damage is so obvious?  WHY the lapse in time to right these horrible wrongs?  If our government is going to provide funding to create something, they need to step-up and deal with it if their projects destroy or damage something, equipment failure or human error shouldn’t matter.  Damage is damage.

     You buy a car and loan it out.  That person doesn’t have the license to drive, just a permit that says someone over 18 has to be with them to drive.  They’re alone driving and they get into a wreck, one that was unavoidable.  WHO is going to be held responsible?  

     The courts found in favor of holding the government responsible for the actions of a Maryland weapon developer and paying out for damages (death).  I’ve been hurt.  So has my family.  Chances are really good, these weapon developers haven’t gotten their research data from paid volunteers or soldiers, but THEY TRY THEIR WEAPONS ON THE PUBLIC WITHOUT CONSENT OR COMPENSATION!!   I see how the government is doing it’s best to maintain deniability of this, but I have an undeniable injury from a weapon developed in Brevard County, across the river from NASA.  Can it not be any clearer than this?  The reckless endangerment excused…WHY???!!!  I was born in Wichita, Kansas.  I’d say that’s in the CENTER of the country, so no question of my citizenship can be used.  I’m here legally. 

     Hiring contractors to do government research should only shift the overseeing of financial duties, not the project, and that includes the problems and damages.  If our government is going to hire contractors that are potentially dangerous to their community, then build them a damn community out in the middle of nowhere and let them practice on each other or their own family!

     They knew the radiation levels increased in Fayetteville, trees were deformed, bushes burned, icicles wouldn’t form in an ice storm, appliances burned up…they may have suggested this area be evacuated because of a ‘toxic situation’ spoof.  But the people who came here ahead of us, and created this huge LIE already planned on this area BECOMING toxic.  They didn’t tell the city leaders the whole truth, and now another area goes to waste because of weapon development obsession!

     If they don’t want to admit they’re doing it, then it’s probably something they shouldn’t be messing with in the FIRST place!!  If they’re going to pay to develop it, then they need to set some money aside for WHEN something goes wrong!!!

     The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself?  These “Non-Lethal Weapons” SHOOT fear! 

 Behavior Modification vs. Bloody Death. 

Have you ever met a friendly cattle prod?  Their methods are madness: Brain Wave Cattle Prods is all they are- if you want to give it a simple name, so Congress can understand it’s application.

Weapon Development

     If you have research without ethics, you have the Devil’s laboratory, and the violations of human rights.

     If you have law enforcement without integrity, you have injustice, and the violations of civil rights.

     America did not survive, this long, without recognizing its wrongs and then correcting them.  We have an Administration whose faith is not in God, Obama turned his back on his lifelong preacher to win the election.  I am not the only citizen to think this, and I took a look at some of his sermons,  I found Pastor Wright to be harshly blunt.  I commend his efforts in attempting to get to know people that others considered enemies.  As I’ve said before, people of all nations have the same basic desires of a loving family in a life without struggle.  The only place I think that exsists is heaven, where The One Living God is ruler.  A King whose rules are also as basic as they come, Honor Him and Respect EVERYONE and everything.  If you’re not doing all the wrongs, then you’re not wasting time on seeking forgiveness, you’ve created the time to give well deserved praise to the Lord.  God gave us Jesus, so we can call on His name to overcome temptation.  If we make a mistake, we have His forgivemess.  But if we’re doing wrong on purpose, isn’t that disrepecting the Gift of Calvary and the Ressurection?  In my opinion, yes. 

     I am seeing the results of research that was given carte blanche and worked above the laws.  Our Human AND Civil rights violated.  Because we are Christians, it’s a manner of attack on Israel.  Jesus of Nazareth, a Rabbi.  Christians are the family of Israel, 2nd Generation Jews – His church allowed to be attacked by the United States to protect R&D for our Military, this is a sad time for America, and repentance is our only way back.  Will it happen?  I pray it does.

     I’ve been accused of  ‘fighting this’ – and I have only tried to speak the truth, to someone who will listen and may even help.  When I see their schemes and traps laid out for me to fall into (figuratively speaking) I don’t start running around pointing out what’s happening to anybody.  I just go about doing what it is I was doing, and only make a ‘mental note’ of it.  If I start running around trying to show people NOT involved, they’ll think I’m nuts.  If I start running around telling people who ARE involved, then I’m just giving them ammunition for character assasination.  But, with this amount of time in my ‘delicate condition’ I’ve had to adapt to living in: a physical world, where the phone rings, the mail comes, I drive, I shop, I eat, I physically care for my family.   a virtual world, where I always hear the radio chatter, the hatred, the lies, threats and mental harrassments that has been NON-STOP for 1269 days as of today.  My Spirit in constant prayer all that time too, and the times God has sent an Angel to touch me- innummerable.  So my Spiritual world has been as active as the virtual world, if not more so, as the Lord’s protection is upon us.

     This is a big deal in my life.  Instead of letting us go live off in the country somewhere near my sister, an ego-maniac decided the best place for us was in the center of town.  It’s all well and good if I was scared of being killed in this, but it creates a communications nightmare.  Maybe that’s one of the reasons they DID put me here, so the FCC and Washington will realize the vulnerabilities and weaknesses to our first responders.  If I thought my death would solve their problems?  Go for it.  But their equipment will still be there.  The same people who have been keeping this up and front will still be here.  If I didn’t know any better, I’d think Alan was pushing people’s buttons to DO SOMETHING!! so he won’t be challenged.  Sometimes the attitude is very much like Willy’s sister, short fused and without much thought to the long run.  But these people have been studied too.  It’s always the same voices, and there is NO WAY those people would dedicate this kind of time to messing with me.  Digital voices are nothing new,  it’s strangers working in shifts.  I was able to pick thru to voice STYLES in the beginning when they did demon voices.  They stopped that abruptly one afternoon, when I just started laughing and wishing I could see them all sitting in a room “Squelch Monster Theater Presents:”

     A new revelation!  A very fine film of blessed olive oil was rubbed on the solar light by the cross out front.  Now that light doesn’t work!  Isn’t this PROOF of the U.S. using this technology to find out about the oil reserves in the Middle East, and like with me, created havoc in those people’s lives!  THIS is also why Bradford County has been put thru so much hell, this is the BIG secret they’re really trying to protect.  American Greed isn’t a secret, but the methods they’ve used….I’m the scaled down version.  Now you know.  May God have mercy on the innocent, and teach the corrupted ones a fitting lesson!  We will reap what we sow.

     Can you NOT see that God WILL Repay?  They put  ‘Doodlebug’s’ as the name on the business next door, and did that with such hatred in their hearts.  Now, with all the radiation, a mutated ‘super flea’ is being created.  Do they plan on killing every bird and squirrel in the country?  Do they think LEVELING this county will contain this new venomous species?  It’s not scientific research anymore once it’s tried on real life communities, it’s the NEW REALITY.  It’s APPLICATION of their research.  For the disrespect towards all things sacred, GOD WILL REPAY!

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